Dates and conditions

dates and conditions

Flight Attendants/Hospitality Training Infohas

What are the dates and conditions of the training?

INFOHAS, the accredited cabin crew and hospitality training Institute, founded in 1996, is a key player in the aviation industry.

The goal of this training program is to provide candidates from throughout Morocco with the skills and knowledge necessary to obtain the ACCD-ATAM training certificate, a qualification required for work as cabin crew members, including air hostesses and stewards, in the airline industry.

The course covers a wide range of skills and focuses on developing strong interpersonal abilities and a keen sense of customer service.

 Infohas is dedicated to facilitating the learning process by enhancing communication skills and helping students prepare for exams and job interviews.

Courses starting Dates & Conditions

Flight Attendants

July  | September  | October


If you wish to register for one of these dates, please come to the Institute, or send us your registration request + file as soon as possible to our address:

INFOHAS – 15, Street Demnate Ex-résidence – Hassan – Rabat – Very close to the private hospital la Capitale.

Enrollement Conditions

  • Must have 18 years minimum.
  • High school level or more.
  • Good grooming and appearance.
  • Natural Courtesy.
  • Additional specific requirements by Airlines & hotels

Required Documents:

  • 1 Enrollement Form complete online.

  • 6 Photos Identity size.

  • 1 Attested copy of Identity Card.

  • 2 original school certificates justifying the High School level or 2 authenticated photocopies of the diploma.

Training Fees :

Rate effective on 2024

  • Monthly Fees = 2800,00 DHS.
  • Enrollement Fees+Uniform = 3500,00 DHS ( 1st Year ).

  • Enrollement Fees = 1500,00 DHS (2nd Year).
  • Total Training Fees = 18 Months x 2800,00 DHS.